An unhealthy diet is the cause of many health disorders. But what exactly does unhealthy nutrition mean? In this part of our website we inform you about widespread nutritional mistakes, about their possible consequences for health and last but not least about the possibilities how to make it better and healthier.
The influence of nutrition
Nutrition – together with physical activity, sunlight and a balanced spiritual life – probably has the greatest influence on our well-being, fitness and health.
While sport is not everyone’s cup of tea and the psyche often goes its own way, the diet can be changed quickly and with noticeable success without great effort.
No, we have not forgotten the genes. It is only the case that the genes – even if they were actually responsible for this or that disease – only become active when the diet is neglected, the organism suffers from a lack of vital substances as a result, and the immune system is weakened, thus creating the right breeding ground for disease and suffering.
Wrong food
Most of us are used to buying food for our diet in supermarkets or fast food outlets.
We have been doing this since childhood, so this kind of food procurement is perfectly normal for us, but we forgot which foods are actually good and healthy for us.
And so most of the food in the shops and restaurants does not fit into a healthy diet at all.
It is a colorful variety of the most different highly industrially processed products and mostly for months or at least weeks durable canned food.
An infinite variety of chemical food additives, together with sophisticated technological processes, ensure a propere look at all times and thus the saleability of things declared as food.
Full AND healthy
However, the purpose of nutrition is not only to satisfy one’s appetite as quickly as possible, but often only for a short time and not infrequently at the cost of indisposition and digestive complaints, but also to remain healthy, happy and vital.
The temporary satiation value of a food may be important in times of need. However, if we do not live in war or other crisis situations, then we should select our food on the basis of its vital substance content.
Vital substances such as vitamins, enzymes and secondary plant substances, however, are found in the quantity and quality necessary for our health exclusively in fresh and preferably unprocessed foods.
And only these are the ones that really satisfy us in the long run, because they give our body everything it needs.
Declining public health
Since only a few people are still looking for fresh, unadulterated food and are satisfied with what supermarkets have to offer, which at first glance appears to be lavish but in terms of vitality is miserable, public health is leaving more and more to be desired.
Official advisers are under the influence of the industry and worry less about the well-being of the consumer, so that the beneficiaries are in the final analysis those, which worry neither about genuine prevention nor about genuine healing, but look for sales markets for medicines and therapies.
Heavenly fun and wonderful enjoyment
We therefore offer you on our pages a variety of valuable information and practical tips that will help you to achieve a conscious diet and help you to maintain your health or to find it again as quickly as possible.
You will learn, for example, that those foods that are regarded as our staple foods are not actually staple foods by nature, but contribute to the ubiquitous lack of minerals and vital substances and thus to illness and infirmity.
You will learn how some foods are harmful and which foods can instead lead to real well-being, fitness and health.
Since healthy eating with the necessary knowledge is heavenly fun and wonderful enjoyment, it is particularly important to us to report as practical as possible, so that you will soon be among the enthusiastic veterinarians of healthy eating with our recipes, instructions and practical tips.
How food affects health
Healthy food is important – we all know that, and this fact is already communicated to children of kindergarten age today. Actions such as the “healthy snack” are intended to make even the youngest children aware of the importance of a good, wholesome diet. The right food can help to stay healthy and can also support recovery in case of illness. What is it about eating as a medicine that is currently so much heard and read about in the media? Can you really “eat yourself healthy”? And what about Nutrigenomics and Nutri-Epigenetics? The better-knowers did their research.
Eating to prevent and cure diseases
Even in ancient times, Hippocrates knew that food should be our medicine. The most famous physician of antiquity had already recognized at that time that food could help to prevent or cure diseases. There are countless examples of this, and many foods have been used as household remedies for diseases for generations. For example, all of us know the good old chicken soup, which can work wonders both preventively and in case of illness. Zwieback and carrot soup for diarrhea and stomach problems have certainly also been given to many of us as children.